Face Recognition
Seems to be very popular (16000+ stars). Simple to use, just create a single folder with photos which show a single person. Then also point it to another folder with photos and it will detect and recognize persons in there.
Command line usage has the problem that only giving a single reference photo might be worse than giving a corpus of reference images. (But that should be easy build on top of face_recognition/dlib)
Turns out it is only a super simple (200 lines) python wrapper over dlib’s “state-of-the-art face recognition” python API. dlib only has C++ and python APIs.
C++ and python APIs for all kinds of mathematical and ML tasks.
It seems no effort is made of providing a Java binding any time soon. Instead, the developers point to SWIG for creating bindings semi-automatically (which means writing simple enough C++ code to be auto-converted into Java bindings).
Adds barely visibile pertubations to faces to prevent face recognition to work correctly.